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Reading is like breathing...

I'm an avid reader and reviewer of romance books, especially m-m and erotica. You can find me on http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4669232-baba-marcus-tyler-tate-dan-ty-hunter 

I wish I hadn't read it...

Blue Dreams - Mel Bossa


My state of mind after reading Blue Dreams.



I couldn't agree more.



Drama. Sob fest. Drama. Sob fest. Drama. Sob fest. Drama…blah blah blah.
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Hi Derek angel,
Look at this gif. Look closely. Grow. A. Pair. And. Most. Of. All. Grow. Up. You. Whiny. Jerk.

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I'm going to dedicate this gif to (view spoiler) *gags* *vomits*
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I had to deal with four pathetic idiots.
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They f@cked everything up.

All four MCs hurt each other.
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I don't know if I can or even want to control my emotions. Blue Dreams didn't favor my health because my BP went through the roof.
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photo i-just-threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-little-bit_zpsd0d778e7.gif

The sex was totally boring and awkward and seriously lacked some spice.
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I couldn't care less…
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Game over guys…
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My first thoughts after finishing the novella:

I have absolutely nothing--and I mean NOTHING--positive to say about Blue Dreams. Honestly, this was an awful nightmare and I want to remove every letter of this pathetic novella from my brain. I think I need to bleach it. I f@cking hate everything about it. Neither the despicable characters nor the storyline and definitely not the poor writing didn't do it for me. I am so f@cking mad at the moment that I can't even form a coherent thought, let alone a normal sentence.

I try to make this short. Let's get started.

I absolutely HATE drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama. Sob fest, sob fest, sob fest, sob fest, sob fest. It's safe to say that Blue Dreams provided exactly that in abundance. Besides, I can't approve of their childish and embarrassing behavior. WHINY characters are NEVER appealing. If anything, they're a HUGE turn off.
So called "heroes" who are running away on a regular basis are going to get on my verrrrrrrry last nerve, and shouting matches that lead to nothing at all are a big no go too. Besides, panicked (grown) men who cackle around like scared chicks are not relatable either. In fact, it's f@cking pathetic. I was never for the life of me able to bond with the four MCs. The more I read the more shocked I got, considering that I really loved Nick and Derek in the prequel Split. What the hell happened? I had a hard time to wrap my mind around the fact that Split and Blue Dreams have been written by the same author. Neither the characters nor the writing did remind me of Split. While Split is such a wittingly penned novel, the sequel Blue Dreams missed the mark completely. Blue Dreams is shockingly bad and the writing overly cheesy. Welcome to Sapsville!

Let's talk about the ménage. Come to think of it, that's actually not possible because it happened OFF PAGE. There was a bland sex scene between (view spoiler) The only thing that I can approve of is the fact that (view spoiler) wasn't allowed to play along because he's (view spoiler) Thanks for small favors. On the other hand, it shows how jealous and possessive (view spoiler) is. And I sure as hell didn't like how (view spoiler) Don't get me wrong. I have no problem whatsoever with a threesome or a foursome when everybody involved is on the same page and it's only sex. However, what led to the ménage was simply deplorable and absurd. As I saw it, (view spoiler) That's so not cool!!!

The nickname baby boy gives me the creeps and a giggling man is a HUGE NO GO. Plus, the term LOVELY can only end in a disaster when it's related to male characters. And after mentioning to the nth degree how freaking beautiful Nick is, I really got that too. You know I'm not stupid. The day I don't have to see Ethan and Myles anymore cannot come soon enough. Also, right now I'm in such a bad place that I don't want to see Nick and Derek anymore either. I'm going to buy you all a one way ticket to Mars. And we all know that means a mission without return because once you're there you won't be able to fly back to Mother Earth. Have a safe trip!

The ending of Split was fine by me. Some will look at it as a HFN and others will take it as a HEA. I know it’s a daily challenge to keep a relationship healthy, strong and interesting. Nothing is ever perfect after all. Besides, it’s safe to say that romance novels don’t always reflect real life because (love) life isn’t only about hearts and flowers and a hot hunk. Yet it was totally needless to f@ck everything up in Blue Dreams. This novella is an overwritten, f@cked up drama and massive weep fest par excellence. It's simply disgusting. 

What’s the purpose of this whole mess? Giving (view spoiler)WTF? Do I have to assume that without this crappy novella there wouldn’t have been a sequel to Nick and Derek’s story? Did we really need a sequel? Questions over questions and I don’t care at all if I’ll ever get any answers. IMO Blue Dreams tainted and stained Split irrevocably and ruined a beautiful book for me. As a matter of fact, that's the saddest aspect of this whole mess because I wish…I just wish I hadn't read Blue Dreams and I wish I hadn't touched Split either. What a freaking disaster. I'm at a point where I don't even want to read the sequel Red Awakening. Yup, I hope that Derek is going to wake up and some jerks need to grovel big time.



If you'd like to read the spoilers then check out the GR link below.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/754031854?utm_medium=email&utm_source=rating